We hope to improve your knowledge and get you fast and long-lasting relief from dizziness and nausea. For immediate relief:

  1. Sit or Lie Down: If you feel dizzy, sit or lie down immediately to avoid falls or injuries. Close your eyes and keep your head still to reduce the spinning sensation.
  2. Hydration: Drink water, especially if dehydration is a potential cause. Electrolyte drinks can help if you’ve been sweating excessively.
  3. Eat Something: Low blood sugar can cause dizziness. A small snack with protein and carbs (e.g., nuts, a banana, or crackers) can help.
  4. Deep Breathing: If dizziness is related to anxiety or hyperventilation, focus on slow, deep breaths.
  5. Cold Compress: Placing a cool cloth on your forehead can help if nausea accompanies the dizziness.